#Astrognome ## Features The features below are already implemented. * Calculate planetary positions for any date, time and place on Earth, their aspects and mirrorpoints * Create natal charts for any date, time and place on earth, with exact planetary locations and their aspects ## Upcoming features The features below will be implemented in the first release of Astrognome. * Optionally include dwarf planets and comets: Chiron, Pallas, Ceres, Juno and Vesta * Optionally include Vertex * Time stepping * Application settings * Default display properties (can be overridden per window) * Traditional view (personal planets and Ptolemaic aspects only) * Display major (Ptolemaic) aspects * Display minor aspects * Display antiscia/contra-antiscia * Display personal planets * Display outer planets * Display dwarf planets and asteroids * Display fixed stars * Display hidden ascendent * Display Vertex/anti-Vertex * Symbol of Uranus and Pluto to use in charts ## Later features The features below will become part of Astrognome in later versions. * Custom location database * Synastries (Composite charts) * Transits * Progression ## Credits Astrognome was originally created by Jean-André Santoni, and was hosted on [Google Code](https://code.google.com/p/astrognome/). The original project is now rewrote from scratch, using the [SWE-GLib](http://github.com/gergelypolonkai/swe-glib) library (which is actually a wrapper around [Swiss Ephemeris library](http://www.astro.com/swisseph/)). Several ideas come from the original project, and from others like [Placidus](http://placidus.hu/) and [Aquarius2Go](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.wilfinger.aquarius2go). ## Hacking The project is currently hosted on [GitHub](https://github.com/gergelypolonkai/astrognome). Just fork the repo, make your changes and issue a pull request. Don’t like GitHub? That’s fine with me; in this case, clone the repo, and send your changes, and send me your modifications at gergely@polonkai.eu as a git-bundle or a patch (in this latter case, you should also mention which commit is your base). The entire project is written in C, utilizing GTK+ 3.10 (or anything later in the 3.x series) and SWE-GLib 2.0 (which is used for the calculations part). I’m testing my code under Fedora, so even testers from other distributions are welcome! Astrognome follows a well-defined coding style. If you contribute, please follow that by looking at existing sources, or use [Uncrustify](http://uncrustify.sourceforge.net/) with the config file under docs/. The only thing it messes up currently is the alignment of object type #definitions.