#include #include #include #include #include "../swe/src/swephexp.h" #define IMAGEDIR "/home/polesz/Projektek/c/gradix/images" #define EPHEDIR "/home/polesz/Projektek/c/gradix/swe/data" #define SYNODIC 29.53058867 #define MSPERDAY 86400000 typedef enum { SIGN_ARIES = 1, SIGN_TAURUS, SIGN_GEMINI, SIGN_CANCER, SIGN_LEO, SIGN_VIRGO, SIGN_LIBRA, SIGN_SCORPIO, SIGN_SAGGITARIUS, SIGN_CAPRICORN, SIGN_AQUARIUS, SIGN_PISCES } zodiacSign; typedef enum { TYPE_CARDINAL = 1, TYPE_FIX, TYPE_MUTABLE } signType_t; const char *signTypeName[] = { NULL, "Cardinal", "Fix", "Mutable" }; typedef enum { ELEMENT_FIRE = 1, ELEMENT_EARTH, ELEMENT_AIR, ELEMENT_WATER } signElement_t; const char *signElementName[] = { NULL, "Fire", "Earth", "Air", "Water" }; typedef struct { signType_t type; signElement_t element; int rulingPlanet; } signTypePair_t; typedef struct { double position; zodiacSign sign; int house; short int retrograde; signType_t type; signElement_t element; } planetInfo_t; typedef enum { MOON_STATE_NEW, MOON_STATE_WAXING_CRESCENT, MOON_STATE_WAXING_HALF, MOON_STATE_WAXING_GIBBOUS, MOON_STATE_FULL, MOON_STATE_WANING_GIBBOUS, MOON_STATE_WANING_HALF, MOON_STATE_WANING_CRESCENT, MOON_STATE_DARK } moonState; const char *moonStateName[] = { "New Moon", "Waxing Crescent Moon", "Waxing Half Moon", "Waxing Gibbous Moon", "Full Moon", "Waning Gibbous Moon", "Waning Half Moon", "Waning Crescent Moon", "Dark Moon" }; typedef struct { moonState phase; double visiblePercentage; } moonPhase; const signTypePair_t signType[] = { { 0, 0, 0 }, { TYPE_CARDINAL, ELEMENT_FIRE, SE_MARS }, // Aries { TYPE_FIX, ELEMENT_EARTH, SE_VENUS }, // Taurus { TYPE_MUTABLE, ELEMENT_AIR, SE_MERCURY }, // Gemini { TYPE_CARDINAL, ELEMENT_WATER, SE_MOON }, // Cancer { TYPE_FIX, ELEMENT_FIRE, SE_SUN }, // Leo { TYPE_MUTABLE, ELEMENT_EARTH, SE_MERCURY }, // Virgo { TYPE_CARDINAL, ELEMENT_AIR, SE_VENUS }, // Libra { TYPE_FIX, ELEMENT_WATER, SE_PLUTO }, // Scorpio { TYPE_MUTABLE, ELEMENT_FIRE, SE_JUPITER }, // Saggitarius { TYPE_CARDINAL, ELEMENT_EARTH, SE_SATURN }, // Capricorn { TYPE_FIX, ELEMENT_AIR, SE_URANUS }, // Aquarius { TYPE_MUTABLE, ELEMENT_WATER, SE_NEPTUNE }, // Pisces }; const char *signName[] = { NULL, "Aries", "Taurus", "Gemini", "Cancer", "Leo", "Virgo", "Libra", "Scorpio", "Saggitarius", "Capricorn", "Aquarius", "Pisces" }; //RsvgHandle *svgHandle[SE_CHIRON + SIGN_PISCES + 1]; gboolean init_graphics(void) { GError *err = NULL; char *svgFile[SE_CHIRON + SIGN_PISCES + 1]; int i; memset(&svgFile, 0, sizeof(char *) * SE_CHIRON + SIGN_PISCES + 1); svgFile[SE_SUN] = IMAGEDIR "/planet_sun.svg"; svgFile[SE_MERCURY] = IMAGEDIR "/planet_mercury.svg"; svgFile[SE_VENUS] = IMAGEDIR "/planet_venus.svg"; svgFile[SE_MOON] = IMAGEDIR "/planet_moon.svg"; svgFile[SE_MARS] = IMAGEDIR "/planet_mars.svg"; svgFile[SE_JUPITER] = IMAGEDIR "/planet_jupiter.svg"; svgFile[SE_SATURN] = IMAGEDIR "/planet_saturn.svg"; svgFile[SE_NEPTUNE] = IMAGEDIR "/planet_neptune.svg"; svgFile[SE_URANUS] = IMAGEDIR "/planet_uranus.svg"; svgFile[SE_PLUTO] = IMAGEDIR "/planet_pluto.svg"; // mean node is used for descending moon node svgFile[SE_MEAN_NODE] = IMAGEDIR "/planet_desc_node.svg"; // true node is used for ascending moon node svgFile[SE_TRUE_NODE] = IMAGEDIR "/planet_asc_node.svg"; svgFile[SE_CHIRON] = IMAGEDIR "/planet_chiron.svg"; svgFile[SE_CHIRON + SIGN_ARIES] = IMAGEDIR "/sign_aries.svg"; svgFile[SE_CHIRON + SIGN_TAURUS] = IMAGEDIR "/sign_taurus.svg"; svgFile[SE_CHIRON + SIGN_GEMINI] = IMAGEDIR "/sign_gemini.svg"; svgFile[SE_CHIRON + SIGN_CANCER] = IMAGEDIR "/sign_cancer.svg"; svgFile[SE_CHIRON + SIGN_LEO] = IMAGEDIR "/sign_leo.svg"; svgFile[SE_CHIRON + SIGN_VIRGO] = IMAGEDIR "/sign_virgo.svg"; svgFile[SE_CHIRON + SIGN_LIBRA] = IMAGEDIR "/sign_libra.svg"; svgFile[SE_CHIRON + SIGN_SCORPIO] = IMAGEDIR "/sign_scorpio.svg"; svgFile[SE_CHIRON + SIGN_SAGGITARIUS] = IMAGEDIR "/sign_saggitarius.svg"; svgFile[SE_CHIRON + SIGN_CAPRICORN] = IMAGEDIR "/sign_capricorn.svg"; svgFile[SE_CHIRON + SIGN_AQUARIUS] = IMAGEDIR "/sign_aquarius.svg"; svgFile[SE_CHIRON + SIGN_PISCES] = IMAGEDIR "/sign_pisces.svg"; for (i = SE_SUN; i <= SE_CHIRON + SIGN_PISCES; i++) { if (svgFile[i] != NULL) { g_clear_error(&err); //if ((svgHandle[i] = rsvg_handle_new_from_file(svgFile[i], &err)) == NULL) { // printf("Unable to load %s: %s\n", svgFile[i], err->message); //} } } return TRUE; } double get_planet_position(int32 planet_no, double date) { int32 iflgret, iflag = SEFLG_SPEED | SEFLG_TOPOCTR; double x2[6]; char serr[AS_MAXCH]; iflgret = swe_calc(date, planet_no, iflag, x2, serr); if (iflgret < 0) { printf("error: %s\n", serr); return -1; } else if (iflgret != iflag) { printf("warning: iflgret != iflag. %s\n", serr); } return x2[0]; } int set_location_and_time(double lon, double lat, double alt, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int min, double sec, double d_timezone, double *jd) { int utc_year, utc_month, utc_day, utc_hour, utc_min; double utc_sec, retval, dret[2]; char serr[AS_MAXCH]; swe_set_topo(lon, lat, alt); swe_utc_time_zone(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, d_timezone, &utc_year, &utc_month, &utc_day, &utc_hour, &utc_min, &utc_sec); if ((retval = swe_utc_to_jd(utc_year, utc_month, utc_day, utc_hour, utc_min, utc_sec, SE_GREG_CAL, dret, serr)) == ERR) { printf("error: %s\n", serr); return 0; } *jd = dret[0]; return 1; } long int get_sign(double pos) { return (int)ceilf(pos / 30.0); } moonPhase * get_moon_phase(gint year, gint month, gint day, gint hour, gint min, gint sec) { GDateTime *baseDate, *gds; GTimeSpan diff; gdouble phasePercent, realPercent; moonState state; moonPhase *ret; baseDate = g_date_time_new_utc(2005, 5, 8, 8, 48, 0); // TODO: this should use the time zone used at the birth place gds = g_date_time_new_local(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0); diff = g_date_time_difference(gds, baseDate) / 1000; g_date_time_unref(gds); g_date_time_unref(baseDate); // The current phase of the moon, between 0 and 100 (both 0 and 100 are new moon, 50 is full moon) phasePercent = fmod((diff * 100) / (SYNODIC * MSPERDAY), 100); if (phasePercent < 0) { phasePercent += 100.0; } if ((phasePercent < 0) || (phasePercent > 100)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error during moon phase calculation!\n"); return NULL; } // The real percentage is a number around the illumination percentage of the moon realPercent = (50.0 - fabs(phasePercent - 50.0)) * 2; // Uuuugly! if (phasePercent == 0) { state = MOON_STATE_NEW; } else if (phasePercent < 25) { state = MOON_STATE_WAXING_CRESCENT; } else if (phasePercent == 25) { state = MOON_STATE_WAXING_HALF; } else if (phasePercent < 50) { state = MOON_STATE_WAXING_GIBBOUS; } else if (phasePercent == 50) { state = MOON_STATE_FULL; } else if (phasePercent < 75) { state = MOON_STATE_WANING_GIBBOUS; } else if (phasePercent == 75) { state = MOON_STATE_WANING_HALF; } else if (phasePercent < 100) { state = MOON_STATE_WANING_CRESCENT; } else { state = MOON_STATE_DARK; } ret = g_new0(moonPhase, 1); ret->phase = state; ret->visiblePercentage = realPercent; return ret; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int year = 1981, month = 3, day = 11, hour = 23, min = 39, sec = 45, #if !CLUTTER_CHECK_VERSION(1, 3, 6) #error "You need Clutter >= 1.3.6 to compile this software" #endif p; double timezone = 1.0, lon = 19.081599, lat = 47.462485, alt = 200, te, cusps[13], ascmc[10]; #if 1 year = 1983; month = 3; day = 7; hour = 11; min = 54; #endif pos, swe_set_ephe_path(EPHEDIR); if (set_location_and_time(lon, lat, alt, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, timezone, &te) == 0) { return 1; } printf("date: %02d.%02d.%d at %02d:%02d:%02d, at %f, %f\n", year, month, day, hour, min, sec, lon, lat); swe_houses(te, lat, lon, 'P', cusps, ascmc); for (p = 1; p < 13; p++) { printf("House %2d..: %2.0f (%f)\n", p, ceilf(cusps[p] / 30.0), cusps[p]); } get_moon_phase(year, month, day, hour, min, sec); printf("Asc.......: %.0f\n", ceilf(ascmc[0] / 30.0)); printf("MC........: %.0f\n", ceilf(ascmc[1] / 30.0)); pos = get_planet_position(SE_SUN, te); printf("Sun.......: %2.0f (%f)\n", ceilf(pos / 30.0), pos); pos = get_planet_position(SE_MOON, te); printf("Moon......: %2.0f (%f)\n", ceilf(pos / 30.0), pos); pos = get_planet_position(SE_MERCURY, te); printf("Mercury...: %2.0f (%f)\n", ceilf(pos / 30.0), pos); pos = get_planet_position(SE_VENUS, te); printf("Venus.....: %2.0f (%f)\n", ceilf(pos / 30.0), pos); pos = get_planet_position(SE_MARS, te); printf("Mars......: %2.0f (%f)\n", ceilf(pos / 30.0), pos); pos = get_planet_position(SE_JUPITER, te); printf("Jupiter...: %2.0f (%f)\n", ceilf(pos / 30.0), pos); pos = get_planet_position(SE_SATURN, te); printf("Saturn....: %2.0f (%f)\n", ceilf(pos / 30.0), pos); pos = get_planet_position(SE_URANUS, te); printf("Uranus....: %2.0f (%f)\n", ceilf(pos / 30.0), pos); pos = get_planet_position(SE_NEPTUNE, te); printf("Neptune...: %2.0f (%f)\n", ceilf(pos / 30.0), pos); pos = get_planet_position(SE_PLUTO, te); printf("Pluto.....: %2.0f (%f)\n", ceilf(pos / 30.0), pos); pos = get_planet_position(SE_CHIRON, te); printf("Chiron....: %2.0f (%f)\n", ceilf(pos / 30.0), pos); pos = get_planet_position(SE_MEAN_NODE, te); printf("North Node: %2.0f (%f)\n", ceilf(pos / 30.0), pos); return OK; } /* static gboolean draw_clock (ClutterCanvas *canvas, cairo_t *cr, int width, int height) { GDateTime *now; float hours, minutes, seconds; ClutterColor color; int smaller = (width < height) ? width : height; // get the current time and compute the angles now = g_date_time_new_now_local(); seconds = g_date_time_get_second(now) * G_PI / 30; minutes = g_date_time_get_minute(now) * G_PI / 30; hours = g_date_time_get_hour(now) * G_PI / 6; cairo_save(cr); // clear the contents of the canvas, to avoid painting over the previous frame cairo_set_operator(cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR); cairo_paint(cr); cairo_restore(cr); cairo_set_operator(cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER); // scale the modelview to the size of the surface cairo_scale(cr, smaller, smaller); cairo_set_line_cap(cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND); cairo_set_line_width(cr, 0.01); // the black rail that holds the seconds indicator clutter_cairo_set_source_color(cr, CLUTTER_COLOR_Black); cairo_translate(cr, 0.5, 0.5); cairo_arc(cr, 0, 0, 0.4, 0, G_PI * 2); cairo_stroke(cr); // the seconds indicator color = *CLUTTER_COLOR_White; color.alpha = 128; clutter_cairo_set_source_color(cr, &color); cairo_move_to(cr, 0, 0); cairo_arc(cr, sinf(seconds) * 0.4, - cosf(seconds) * 0.4, 0.02, 0, G_PI * 2); cairo_fill(cr); // the minutes hand color = *CLUTTER_COLOR_DarkChameleon; color.alpha = 196; clutter_cairo_set_source_color(cr, &color); cairo_move_to(cr, 0, 0); cairo_line_to(cr, sinf(minutes) * 0.4, - cosf(minutes) * 0.4); cairo_stroke(cr); // the hours hand cairo_move_to(cr, 0, 0); cairo_line_to(cr, sinf(hours) * 0.2, - cosf(hours) * 0.2); cairo_stroke(cr); g_date_time_unref(now); // we're done drawing return TRUE; } static guint idle_resize_id; static gboolean idle_resize(gpointer data) { ClutterActor *actor = data; float width, height; // match the canvas size to the actor's clutter_actor_get_size(actor, &width, &height); clutter_canvas_set_size(CLUTTER_CANVAS(clutter_actor_get_content(actor)), ceilf(width), ceilf(height)); // unset the guard idle_resize_id = 0; // remove the timeout return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static void on_actor_resize(ClutterActor *actor, const ClutterActorBox *allocation, ClutterAllocationFlags flags, gpointer user_data) { // throttle multiple actor allocations to one canvas resize; we use a guard variable to avoid queueing multiple resize operations if (idle_resize_id == 0) { idle_resize_id = clutter_threads_add_timeout(1000, idle_resize, actor); } } int gradix_clutter_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ClutterActor *stage, *sign_aries, *sign_taurus, *sign_gemini, *sign_cancer, *sign_leo, *sign_virgo, *sign_libra, *sign_scorpio, *sign_saggitarius, *sign_capricorn, *sign_aquarius, *sign_pisces, *actor; ClutterContent *canvas; GError *err = NULL; init_graphics(); // initialize Clutter if (clutter_init(&argc, &argv) != CLUTTER_INIT_SUCCESS) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } // create a resizable stage stage = clutter_stage_new(); clutter_stage_set_title(CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), "GRadix"); clutter_stage_set_user_resizable(CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), TRUE); clutter_actor_set_background_color(stage, CLUTTER_COLOR_LightSkyBlue); clutter_actor_set_size(stage, 300, 300); clutter_actor_show(stage); g_clear_error(&err); if ((sign_aries = clutter_texture_new_from_file(IMAGEDIR "/sign_aries.svg", &err)) == NULL) { printf("%s\n", err->message); } else { clutter_actor_add_child(stage, sign_aries); } g_clear_error(&err); if ((sign_taurus = clutter_texture_new_from_file(IMAGEDIR "/sign_taurus.svg", &err)) == NULL) { printf("%s\n", err->message); } else { clutter_actor_add_child(stage, sign_taurus); } g_clear_error(&err); if ((sign_gemini = clutter_texture_new_from_file(IMAGEDIR "/sign_gemini.svg", &err)) == NULL) { printf("%s\n", err->message); } else { clutter_actor_add_child(stage, sign_gemini); } g_clear_error(&err); if ((sign_cancer = clutter_texture_new_from_file(IMAGEDIR "/sign_cancer.svg", &err)) == NULL) { printf("%s\n", err->message); } else { clutter_actor_add_child(stage, sign_cancer); } g_clear_error(&err); if ((sign_leo = clutter_texture_new_from_file(IMAGEDIR "/sign_leo.svg", &err)) == NULL) { printf("%s\n", err->message); } else { clutter_actor_add_child(stage, sign_leo); } g_clear_error(&err); if ((sign_virgo = clutter_texture_new_from_file(IMAGEDIR "/sign_virgo.svg", &err)) == NULL) { printf("%s\n", err->message); } else { clutter_actor_add_child(stage, sign_virgo); } g_clear_error(&err); if ((sign_libra = clutter_texture_new_from_file(IMAGEDIR "/sign_libra.svg", &err)) == NULL) { printf("%s\n", err->message); } else { clutter_actor_add_child(stage, sign_libra); } g_clear_error(&err); if ((sign_scorpio = clutter_texture_new_from_file(IMAGEDIR "/sign_scorpio.svg", &err)) == NULL) { printf("%s\n", err->message); } else { clutter_actor_add_child(stage, sign_scorpio); } g_clear_error(&err); if ((sign_saggitarius = clutter_texture_new_from_file(IMAGEDIR "/sign_saggitarius.svg", &err)) == NULL) { printf("%s\n", err->message); } else { clutter_actor_add_child(stage, sign_saggitarius); } g_clear_error(&err); if ((sign_capricorn = clutter_texture_new_from_file(IMAGEDIR "/sign_capricorn.svg", &err)) == NULL) { printf("%s\n", err->message); } else { clutter_actor_add_child(stage, sign_capricorn); } g_clear_error(&err); if ((sign_aquarius = clutter_texture_new_from_file(IMAGEDIR "/sign_aquarius.svg", &err)) == NULL) { printf("%s\n", err->message); } else { clutter_actor_add_child(stage, sign_aquarius); } g_clear_error(&err); if ((sign_pisces = clutter_texture_new_from_file(IMAGEDIR "/sign_pisces.svg", &err)) == NULL) { printf("%s\n", err->message); } else { clutter_actor_add_child(stage, sign_pisces); } // our 2D canvas, courtesy of Cairo //canvas = clutter_canvas_new(); //clutter_canvas_set_size(CLUTTER_CANVAS (canvas), 300, 300); //actor = clutter_actor_new(); //clutter_actor_set_content(actor, canvas); //clutter_actor_set_content_scaling_filters(actor, CLUTTER_SCALING_FILTER_TRILINEAR, CLUTTER_SCALING_FILTER_LINEAR); //clutter_actor_add_child(stage, actor); // the actor now owns the canvas //g_object_unref(canvas); // bind the size of the actor to that of the stage //clutter_actor_add_constraint(actor, clutter_bind_constraint_new(stage, CLUTTER_BIND_SIZE, 0)); // resize the canvas whenever the actor changes size //g_signal_connect(actor, "allocation-changed", G_CALLBACK(on_actor_resize), NULL); // quit on destroy g_signal_connect(stage, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(clutter_main_quit), NULL); // connect our drawing code //g_signal_connect(canvas, "draw", G_CALLBACK(draw_clock), NULL); // invalidate the canvas, so that we can draw before the main loop starts //clutter_content_invalidate(canvas); // set up a timer that invalidates the canvas every second //clutter_threads_add_timeout(1000, invalidate_clock, canvas); clutter_main(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } */