
40 lines
1.3 KiB

;;; alert-termux --- alert.el notifications on Termux
;;; Commentary:
;; Alert style that uses termux-notification to send alerts.
;; The the required command, termux-notification can be found in the termux-api package, and
;; requires the Termux API app to be installed alongside with Termux.
;;; Code:
(require 'alert)
(defcustom alert-termux-command (executable-find "termux-notification")
"Path to the termux-notification command.
This is found in the termux-api package, and it requires the Termux API addon
app to be installed."
:type 'file
:group 'alert)
(defun alert-termux-notify (info)
"Send INFO using termux-notification.
Handles :TITLE and :MESSAGE keywords from the INFO plist."
(if alert-termux-command
(let ((args (nconc
(when (plist-get info :title)
(list "-t" (alert-encode-string (plist-get info :title))))
(list "-c" (alert-encode-string (plist-get info :message))))))
(apply #'call-process alert-termux-command nil
(list (get-buffer-create " *termux-notification output*") t)
nil args))
(alert-message-notify info)))
(alert-define-style 'termux
:title "Notify using termux"
:notifier #'alert-termux-notify)
(provide 'alert-termux)
;;; alert-termux.el ends here